Odobrio: kost. Napisao: kost.
Vrlo čudna greška zadesila je najnoviju Linux distribuciju Mandrakea (9.2). Naime, ukoliko koristite određene LG CD-ROM pogone, postoji mogućnost da trajno oštetite svoj CD-ROM pogon. Više o tome se može saznati na errata stranicama od Mandrakea. Zanimljivo je pročitati raspravu na news grupi. Navodno je problem u dodanome kodu za paketno zapisivanje u verziji 2.4.22-rc2q5 kernela što znači da postoji mogućnost da ga oštetite i ukoliko imate originalni kernel navedene verzije (ili veće!) na nekoj drugoj distribuciji. .
Evo nekoliko izvadaka iz rasprave:
On Sat, 25 Oct 2003 15:47:19 +0200
Christian Wolff <wolfchri@removethis.web.de> wrote:
<... snip...>
> manipulate it. I am just waiting for the first Win viruses that kill LG
> drives by exploiting this flaw in the firmware!
It might be the best thing to happen if some script kiddies latch onto this
CDROM Drive hardware vulnerability and writea coupla' viruses that destroy
CDROm drives; that would force LG to rectify this vulnerability (that's what
it is). Then it's no longer anything to do with Linux / Mandrake
...But yes, it is LG's fault. The current news is that it was triggered by the addition of packet-writing code to the 2.4.22-rc2q5 kernel on Aug. 15, no news on how that determination was made. One must suspect that querying the drive for the format of the disk or its capabilities somehow triggers a firmware self-destruct bug in the CRD-84xx models...